Sejak tahun 2006, Cappella Victoria secara rutin menyanyikan polifoni sakra dalam perayaan ekaristi di Gereja Katolik St. Theresia dan beberapa Gereja Katolik di Jakarta. Cappella Victoria berharap, melalui suasana sakral yang tercipta atas bantuan nyanyian polifoni sakra, umat beriman dapat terbantu dalam beribadat kepada Sang Pencipta.
Selama empat tahun terakhir, Cappella Victoria terus mengembangkan repertoar polifoni sakra hingga kini telah mencapai 50 nyanyian; umumnya merupakan karya dari komposer utama Gereja Katolik, seperti: Palestrina (Missa Papæ Marcelli, Missa pro Defunctis dan sejumlah motet), Gregorio Allegri (Miserere mei Deus), Vittoria (Feria VI in Parasceve ad Matutinum dan sejumlah motet), serta Domenico Bartolucci (Missa de Angelis dan sejumlah motet).
Dengan semboyan “tetap semangat” (adaptasi dari: “estote fortes et pugnate”), Cappella Victoria terus menggiatkan anggotanya untuk turut serta dalam menghidupkan kegiatan menggereja di tempat masing-masing, khususnya dalam bidang paduan suara. Seiring dengan semangat diaspora yang dihidupkan di Paroki St. Theresia, anggota Cappella Victoria berkembang hingga kini beranggotakan 33 orang yang berasal dari 15 paroki di Keuskupan Agung Jakarta.
Cappella Victoria Jakarta (CVJ) was founded by a few young parishioners from St. Theresia parish at the end of 2005. CVJ developed to become a choir that mostly specializes in 16th-century sacred polyphony, especially the works of Palestrina and Victoria.
Since 2006, CVJ routinely sings sacred polyphony in St. Theresia Catholic Church and other Catholic Churches in Jakarta . Through the sacred and solemn ambiance created by the sacred polyphony singing, CVJ hopes to help the faithful to pray more solemnly to the Divine Creator.
In the past 4 years, CVJ continues to develop sacred polyphony repertoires that amount to 50 songs up to now. Most are the works of the Catholic Church’s definitive composers, such as: Palestrina (Missa Papae Marcelli, Missa pro Defunctis, and some motets), Gregorio Allegri (Miserere mei, Deus), Victoria (Feria VI in Parasceve ad Matutinum and a few motets), and Domenico Bartolucci (Missa de Angelis and a few motets)
With a slogan of “keep up the spirit” (an adaptation of “estote fortes et pugnate”), CVJ encourages its singers to be involved in developing the church life in their own parish, especially through choirs and singing. In line with the spirit of diaspora that is apparent in St. Theresia Parish, CVJ has developed to include 33 singers from 15 parishes throughout the Jakarta Arch Diocese.
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